
Folha da Mata

Tribuna de Minas


(Author) They Make the Future: 30 young people who are changing Brazil through education (Author)

Book Lumos (Special Participation)

Book: The Future is STEM (Co-author)


Bossa Summit

I attended Bossa Summit as a participant in SEBRAE inicative. 

National Conference on Gender Equity

I leaded a lecture at this conference. CNEG was supported by the Department of Education of Rio de Janeiro.  

Technology week at Alpha Lumen & ITA

Entrepreneurship Olympiad.

FGV Week (AI and Math Summer Course)

Prudential Emerging Visionaries Prize 

What are my skills?  

Artificial Intelligence                                                        

Growth Strategy in Business                                                    

 Neuroscience innovations 

Social entrepreneurship  

Scientific activism                                                                      

Do you want a lecture? 

I was invited to speak at...

CNEG (National Conference on Gender Equity)

Força Meninas Expedition 2022

B3 (Brazil Stock Exchange)